Monday, July 23, 2007

I Get It Now

After having Lucy for a week, I think I finally understand what it must be like for new parents (of babies, not just puppies). I always wondered how life changes so dramatically upon the arrival of a newborn - interests tossed aside, conversations about one thing only (the baby), and a noticeable decrease in grooming, cleaning, and acting like grown ups. I mean, I'm not stupid - I know kids take a huge amount of time and energy - but it's been so long since Grendel was a puppy that I had really forgotten some of the challenges of taking care of something completely dependent on you for food, shelter, and manners.

Don't get me wrong, Lucy's been a great dog. Better than either of us expected, I think. She's smart, energetic, and incredibly sweet. But she's a puppy and she does need constant supervision - and unlike Grendel, who even at 4 months was relatively calm - she is always (and I mean ALWAYS) moving. That means from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, we know where she is, what she's doing, and what she has in her mouth. It also means we're on full-time - she's always watching, learning, absorbing, responding, and behaving in response. We have to respond to her carefully to set good precedent, to make sure we're being clear with instructions, not to confuse or punish her, but to encourage good behavior.

It also means that we work in shifts - when one of us needs a shower, the other watches both dogs. One day last week that meant cleaning up after Lucy's accident, only to discover Grendel had peed all over the place in response. And feeding them at the same time? Grendel has special food for his skin, Lucy has high-fat puppy food, something old man Grendel doesn't need. Who likes what? She likes his, he likes hers.

So what am I trying to say here? Well, it's been 2 days since I had a shower, I have dog treat crumbs between my toes and I've just spent an entire post talking about one thing. I get it now.

Lucy's in the crate, Grendel's asleep. I'm going back to my vacation list of things to do!

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