Friday, July 04, 2008

How goes the plan?

So many long months ago I started (again) another little improvement plan. While I haven't been in the gym as much as I might have liked, I've changed quite a few things and I think it's going well.
The first thing I did was get a job that I liked. Actually, lucky for me - I love my new job, and I think it loves me back. I get to walk to work and home every day (about 1.2 miles), and I work like crazy when I'm in the office. One of my officemates (Dianne) and I have started walking around Greenlake each morning (3 miles), and that's been absolutely terrific. Lucy gets a walk early in the day, and I feel like my mornings get off to a good start.
I'm still in ballet class once a week, and now that I'm in my third or fourth session, I can really feel the difference in my legs and butt. This stuff takes time, but it's working slowly.
I head to a couple of day retreat to Canyon Ranch with Mom in mid-July and I expect that to be a much-needed reboot. More on that soon!

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